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FrameNet Related Publications

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Sue Atkins, Rundell, Michael, and Sato, Hiroaki. 2003. The contribution of FrameNet to practical lexicography. International Journal of Lexicography, 16.3:333-357.
Sue Atkins, Fillmore, Charles J, and Johnson, Christopher R. 2003. Lexicographic relevance: selecting information from corpus evidence. International Journal of Lexicography, 16.3:251-280.
BTS Atkins. Submitted. The role of the example in a frame semantics dictionary. In Essays in Semantics and Pragmatics, Essays in Semantics and Pragmatics. edition.
BTS Atkins. 1994. Analysing the verbs of seeing: a frame semantics approach to corpus lexicography. In Susanne Gahl, Johnson, Christopher, and Dolbey, Andrew, Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley Linguistics Society.
Collin F Baker and Ruppenhofer, Josef. 2002. FrameNet's Frames vs. Levin's Verb Classes. In J Larson and Paster, M, Proceedings of 28th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society.
Collin F Baker, Fillmore, Charles J, and Lowe, John B. 1998. The Berkeley FrameNet project. In COLING-ACL '98: Proceedings of the Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Collin F Baker, Fillmore, Charles J, and Cronin, Beau. 2003. The Structure of the FrameNet Database. , 16:281-296.
Collin F Baker and Fellbaum, Christiane. 2009. WordNet and FrameNet as Complementary Resources for Annotation. In Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Suntec, Singapore. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:
Collin F Baker and Sato, Hiroaki. 2003. The FrameNet Data and Software. In Yuji Matsumoto, The Companion Volume to the Proceedings of 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:
Collin Baker. 2008. FrameNet, Present and Future. In Jonathan Webster, Ide, Nancy, and Fang, Alex Chengyu, The First International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources, Hong Kong. City University.
Guntis Barzdi\d{n}š, Gr\={u}z\={i}tis, Normunds, Nešpore, Gunta, Saul\={i}te, Baiba, Auzi\d{n}a, Ilze, and Lev\={a}ne-Petrova, Krist\={i}ne. 2008. Multidimensional Ontologies: Integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological Semantics. In Proceedings of the {XIII} Euralex International Congress, Barcelona.
Roberto Basili, De Cao, Diego, Croce, Danilo, Coppola, Bonaventura, and Moschitti, Alessandro. 2009. Cross-Language Frame Semantics Transfer in Bilingual Corpora. In A Gelbukh, CICLing. Springer. URL:
Roberto Basili, Giannone, Cristina, and De Cao, Diego. 2008. Learning Domain-Specific Framenets from Texts. In Proceedings of the ECAI Workshop on Ontology Learning and Population, Patras, Greece. ECAI. URL:
Peter Baumgartner and Burchardt, Aljoscha. 2004. Logic Programming Infrastructure for Inferences on FrameNet. In Logics in Artificial Intelligence, volume 3229 of Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer, edition. URL:
Cosmin Adrian Bejan, Moschitti, Alessandro, Morărescu, Paul, Nicolae, Gabriel, and Harabagiu, Sanda. 2004. Semantic parsing based on FrameNet. In Rada Mihalcea and Edmonds, Phil, Senseval-3: Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text, Barcelona, Spain. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Roni Ben Aharon, Szpektor, Idan, and Dagan, Ido. 2010. Generating Entailment Rules from FrameNet. In Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference Short Papers, Uppsala, Sweden. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:
Hans C Boas. 2002. Bilingual FrameNet Dictionaries for Machine Translation. In González M Rodríguez and Araujo, Paz Suárez C, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, volume IV, Las Palmas. \url{ framenet/Papers.html}.
Hans C Boas. 2001. Frame Semantics as a framework for describing polysemy and syntactic structures of English and German motion verbs in contrastive computational lexicography. In Paul Rayson, Wilson, Andrew, McEnery, Tony, Hardie, Andrew, and Khoja, Shereen, Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2001 Conference, Lancaster. University Centre for computer corpus research on language.
Hans C Boas. 2009. Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications. Mouton de Gruyter, edition.
Hans C Boas. 2005. From Theory to Practice: Frame Semantics and the Design of FrameNet. In S Langer and Schnorbusch, D, Semantisches Wissen im Lexikon, Semantisches Wissen im Lexikon. Tübingen: Narr., edition.
Hans C Boas. 2005. Semantic Frames as Interlingual Representations for Multilingual Lexical Databases. , 18:445-478.
Hans C Boas. 2006. Contrastive Studies and Valency Studies in Honor of Hans Ulrich Boas. In Petra Steiner, Boas, Hans C, and Schierholz, S. Peter Lang, edition.
Lars Borin, Dannélls, Dana, Forsberg, Markus, Gronostaj, Maria Toporowska, and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios. 2010. The Past Meets the Present in the Swedish FrameNet++. Extended version of EURALEX 2010 presentation. Accessed 2010.08.25. URL:
Aljoscha Burchardt. 2008. Modeling Textual Entailment with Role-Semantic Information. Ph.D. thesis, Universität des Saarlandes. URL:
Aljoscha Burchardt, Pennachiotti, Marco, Thater, Stefan, and Pinkal, Manfred. 2009. Assessing the impact of frame semantics on textual entailment. Natural Language Engineering, 15:527-550. URL: